Almshouses in Wales

We have found 5 items matching your search query.

Almshouses in Wales – Find cheap and affordable charitable housing accommodation for the elderly and for those in need in Wales. Almshouses are affordable retirement housing and sheltered accommodation for the elderly and mainly for those of retirement age with limited financial means who live in the vicinity.


Trinity Square

Trinity Square, Baker Street, Abergavenny, South Wales, NP7 5BG

Henry Burton Court

Henry Burton Court, Glendover Street, Monmouth, South Wales, NP25 3UY

Burton Bungalows

Burton Bungalows, Caerwent, Caldicot, South Wales, NP26 5AQ

Burton Bunglaows

Burton Bunglaows, Friars Road, Newport, South Wales, NP20 4FA

Queen Victoria Almshouses

Queen Victoria Almshouses, Stow Hill, Newport, Gwent, NP20 4DY